2019: My year in books

2019 was my first year of jumping into the indie publishing world. This also meant doing A LOT of market research. I've learned SO MUCH about the indie book world, it's amazing. It seriously feels like an entirely separate universe for books. The readers are different, their tastes and speeds and priorities are entirely different than traditional readers...

All the giveaways!

Hey guys! Sea of Treason releases in just over TWO WEEKS! And I'm celebrating my release month with a bunch of cool giveaways.  First up, is the chance to win a $200 amazon Gift card. All you have to do it click the link and follow the authors on the list on Instagram. Boom. Entered! Enter here Book lovers...

Inspiration Tuesday: True Value

I am so very, very little. Inconsequential. There are many things people use to prop themselves up. An "I'm better than you" attitude. The one that drives me the most crazy, is when people use religion (belief in God, spirituality, whatever) to raise themselves up. To stick their nose up in the air and show how much better they...


I've been working hard writing a new series, creating a shiny new author website (www.staceytrombley.com) and that site happens to include a few *other* new things, like my logo (above) and two new book covers. SO, why not reveal all of those things all at once to my amazing readers? (that's you ;))  Sea Of Treason is a...

Why I Love Writers

The world will never quite understand me. Even those who love me, will never get what it is that drives me to write. They won't know the years I've spent working on my craft, the amount of energy and hope and life I've put into an imaginary world filled with imaginary people, the hours I've spent researching and...

A Pitch Wars Mentor's Real Reward

Someone once asked me about being a Pitch Wars Mentor, "But what do you get out of it?" Pitch Wars is a contest for authors seeking representation (a massive step towards becoming traditionally published.) Brenda Drake, selected some qualified members of the publishing industry (mostly agented/published authors) who were willing to spend months of their own time mentoring one...

To All The Houses I Loved Before

This year, my husband and I decided to finally make the jump and buy a new and nicer house, closer to where he works. Right now he’s driving an hour to work, 5 days a week. Wowzer! Cutting that drive down to 15-30 minutes was going to make a huge difference! What we didn’t anticipate was that, apparently,  we...

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