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Why I Love Writers

The world will never quite understand me. Even those who love me, will never get what it is that drives me to write. They won't know the years I've spent working on my craft, the amount of energy and hope and life I've put into an imaginary world filled with imaginary people, the hours I've spent researching and seeking the best avenues to publish.

But you do.

You are my people-- the only people who UNDERSTAND! The only ones who really can.  It’s okay for other people not to get it, not to see all the work that goes on behind the scenes. The panic and the tears we shed. The passion we share. The many many many many hours we put into this “little” “hobby” of ours.

Publishing is NOT easy. It doesn’t matter which stage you are in, writing/editing/querying your first book, your 18th, or publishing your 5th. This process is GRUELING.

And yet, we keep going. We spend months, if not years working on the same story that may never actually see the light of day. We dust ourselves off after every rejection and we keep working. We keep dreaming.

We work to get better. We SEEK criticism because it might help us be better, help us find that magic formula for best-seller-dom.

We dream the same dream and though our set backs are often individual to each of us, they aren’t so different that we can’t all relate.

No matter who you are, what you write or how long you’ve been doing it—You are my tribe. And I love you!

If you're a writer-- of any kind, shape, or experience-- you are incredible.


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